[Reply to: »MAU« · 2009-03-13 · 02:43 h (CET)]

Moin, MAU!

>>> [x] Find text at caret position

>>>  => Options|Preferences... => Editor Preferences

>> I found it out by myself.

> And, as we say in Spain, 'are you going to keep us with the honey on
> our lips'?

Here in Germany we have a quite similar saying: »To grease someone
honey around the beard/mouth.« But that means to cajole someone
extremely. ;-)

> Come on! Shout it! :)

Okay, okay for a cold beer or two I may tell you. ;-)

- [x] Find text at caret position

- Open a new message with MicroEd editor
- Write some text: "Blah foo bar blah bar foo blah …"
- Set cursor position to one of these words, e.g. foo
- Hit [ctrl]+[f]
- Find Text dialog comes up => in "Look for" field foo is pre-set

The same scenario with [_] Find text at caret position:

- Find Text dialog comes up => the "Look for" field is empty

I can give you my postal address for beer delivery via PM. ;-)

P.S.: Windows-Editor does not have such a feature, i.e. the "Look for"
      field is always empty.


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