Hallo Jack,

On Thu, 19 Mar 2009 09:01:46 -0500GMT (19-3-2009, 15:01 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

JSL> Does TB have any method (setting) which would warn the sender
JSL> that he/she is about to send a message where all recipients would
JSL> be able to see all addresses to whom the message was sent?

It   isn't  necessarily  a  bad  thing that the recipients can see all
addresses.  In  case  they're supposed to reply to all recipients it's
even  necessary.  And  when  they know one another, there's no problem
It's  merely  when  you  send  something to a large unrelated group of
recipients  (like  your complete address book) that it's frowned upon.
And  it  would be hard for a program like TB to know when it's against
netiquette and when not. That's where you've got yourself for. ;-)

Groetjes, Roelof

Every person constructs their own bed of nails.
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

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