Hello Rick,

> I'm not sure that IS etiquette. I worked in an IBM facility and it was
> common practice to send something TO: two or three primaries and CC:
> several others.
> I know what you're saying; If someone else needs to read this email I
> should use the CC line. I'm not really sure it rates a warning
> message.

Agree, it is not an etiquette issue. My whole life experience is that
the addressing and distribution of messages come from the days of TWXes
(Telex), much before email was invented. You should use the To: field to
include those the message is really address To, and from whom you may
expect or request and action and/or reply. And those included in CC
field (Carbon Copy in TWXes, that's where CC comes form) are just "For

In the organisation for which I worked for 27 years (up to 1985), to
further emphasise and clarify the difference, the operators in
communications department, before distributing copies of received TWXes
to the different addresses, had to staple a copy of the message on a
*green* sheet op paper with an ACTION on top for those the message was
address to, and on a *pink* sheet with FOR INFO on top, for those in CC

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.1.11.8
See some of my photos at http://www.Rancho-K.com

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