Hallo Simon,

On Mon, 29 Jun 2009 10:26:39 +0100GMT (29-6-2009, 11:26 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

P>  Can I create a filter without any condition/action, other than to continue 
P>  other filters?

A  filter  without  conditions won't be triggered by any message, what
you need is a filter that's triggered only by message list messages.
My  suggestion  would be to add all list addresses to a single address
book  group  and  and  check  whether the To header is part of that AB

And forget about 'continue processing with other filters', that's not
necessary here, neither in the parent nor in the sub-filters. What the
'continue...'  option  does,  is  taking  care  that  after  a message
triggers a filter, it will be checked against other filters too.
Remember  that  when  a  message  doesn't trigger a filter, it will be
checked against the next filter until it's run out of filters or finds
a match.
Off   hand  I  can't  think  of  any  example  where  using  'continue
processing' isn't contra-productive.

P>  Would this be a 'proper' way to configure a filter?

Not quite.

P>  To be clear:

P>  Filter: Lists
P>          No conditions
P>          Continue processing other filters

Make  that  AB  group 'lists' contains To: header (or whatever address
header you prefer)

P>    Subfilter: lists.one
P>               Condition: Header Field: Envelope-to: lists.one@
P>               Continue processing other filters

Forget about 'Continue processing...'

P>    Subfilter: lists.two
P>               Condition: Header Field: Envelope-to: lists.two@
P>               Continue processing other filters

Forget about 'Continue processing...'

P>    Subfilter: lists.three
P>               Condition: Header Field: Envelope-to: lists.three@
P>               Continue processing other filters

Forget about 'Continue processing...'

P>    etc.

P>   Is this a 'proper' way to do it?

It would work.
A  few  notes.  You're  testing  against the 'Envelope-to:' header, my
guess   is  that that's added by your ISP and it mentions the intended
When somebody  sends you an off list message to your list address that
will  be  sorted  to  your list folder. In itself not a big issue, but
your reply to it might be coloured differently when you'd realize that
it's  a  private  message.  Therefore I wouldn't filter on the address
it  has been sent to, but I'd use a header that's added/altered by the
My  personal  preference is to use the Reply-To header, but most lists
add something like a List-Id header too, so you could also use that.

Groetjes, Roelof

What youth deemed crystal, age finds was dew.
The Bat! 4.2.6
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