
On Wednesday 8 July 2009 at 5:32:23 AM, in
<mid:1317465342.20090708143...@wai.com.au>, Ian A. White wrote:

> G'day Robin,

> On Wednesday, July 8, 2009, at 1:31:30 PM, you (Robin
> Anson) wrote:

RA>> Create a Quick Template called AttList as follows

RA>> %If:"%_FirstTime"="":#%- %____%_FirstTime="No"%-
RA>> %____%If:"%Attachments"="<none>":"%- %_________":"%-
RA>> %_________%-Attachments:
RA>> %_________%_Att_List='%Attachments,'%-
RA>> %_________%Qinclude(AttList)"#:#%-
RA>> %____%If:"%_Att_List"<>"":"%-
RA>> %_________%SetPattRegexp='(?i)^(.*?),\s*(.*)$'%-
RA>> %_________%RegexpBlindMatch='%_Att_List'%-
RA>> %_________%-   * %SubPatt='1'
RA>> %_________%_Att_List=%SubPatt='2'%-
RA>> %_________%Qinclude(AttList)":"%- %_________"%-
RA>> %____#%-

> Unfortunately when using the QT, it crashes The Bat!.
> It simply shuts  down instantly and nothing gets
> written to the exception log.

The solution at  http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/Library.html is:-

>   Attachments listing
> [ General Macro]        Reformat the listing of attachments    
> Added to the Library by Matthias Appel
> Create the following quick templates (handles are in [brackets] -
> see below for v2 versions):
> ======[ AT1 ]========

[TB! version 1 variant snipped]

> =====[ End QT ]======
> After adding the attachments to your email you can write at1 and hit
> <ctrl+space> to get the listing.
> **** Version 2 adaptation:
> ======[ AT1 ]========
> %REM='written by Matthias Appel in oct. 2001'
> %IF:"%ATTACHMENTS"="<none>":"":"Attachments:
> %QINCLUDE='at2'"%-
> =====[ End QT ]======
> ======[ AT2 ]========
> %IF:"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?i)^.*?(;).*$'%REGEXPMATCH='%_COMMENT'"=";":"%-
> %SETPATTREGEXP='(?i)^\s*(.*?)\s*;.*$'%REGEXPMATCH='%_COMMENT'
> %_COMMENT='%SETPATTREGEXP=_(?i)^.*?;\s*(.*)\s*$_%REGEXPMATCH=_%_COMMENT_'%-
> %QINCLUDE='at2'":"%_COMMENT%-
> %_COMMENT=''"%-
> =====[ End QT ]======

I am using a slight adaptation in a forwarding template to list the
attachments to the original message, as at some point I had an issue
with attachments not always tagging along when I forwarded a message.

Best regards,

Reality is nothing but a collective hunch.

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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