
On Friday 10 July 2009 at 11:08:16 AM, in
<mid:1497270830.20090710200...@wai.com.au>, Ian A. White wrote:

> Unfortunately it does not really do much.

> First the result after using the QT's from
> silverstones. Both versions do the same thing.

> Attachments: Regulation of the Engineering
> Profession.doc, Regulation of the Engineering
> Profession.pdf


Weird. Testing it does not work here either. The modified version I
use to list original attachments to a forwarded message still works
for me in a reply or forward.

===== Oattachments_one_per_line_1 =====

%REM='obtained from
        written by Matthias Appel in oct. 2001
        revised to cover %Oattachments instead of %attachments'%-

============= Ends ====================

===== Oattachments_one_per_line_2 =====


============= Ends ====================
The third line of the above 4 lines will wrap.

> What I am looking for is something that lists each
> attachment on its  own on a separate line as in:

> Attachments: ============

->> Regulation of the Engineering Profession.doc
->> Regulation of the Engineering Profession.pdf

That's what my Oattachments_one_per_line QTs produce for me when
listing the attachments to the original message being forwarded or
replied to.

> The problem with long filenames is that you can use ,
> in the filename, and there does not have to be an
> extension. As such trying to search  for a , or a file
> extension is likely to have issues.

Yep, reformatting the listing by searching for commas and dots would
not help there!

> Maybe what is needed is for the macro to have an option
> such as

> %ATTACHMENTS(1) means one attachment per line

> and

> %ATTACHMENTS does things the way they currently are.

I don't understand why anybody would _want_ them listed on one line
anyway. One per line is much easier to read :-;

Best regards,

Beware the deadly donkey falling slowly from the sky

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