Hello Velma,

On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 10:31:35 -0400 GMT (09/Jul/09, 21:31 +0700 GMT),
Velma Kahn wrote:

VK>         (b) Image rendering is pretty faulty. I receive two emails of comics
VK> every morning, each of which render unusable in two different 
VK> ways--however, I've found that by setting things just so I can easily 
VK> open them into browser tabs where they render correctly--and opening 
VK> into browser certainly performs fast. However, I presume all those 
VK> other emails I don't look at closely are also rendering badly. Is 
VK> image rendering likely to get better? If I were to submit particular 
VK> problems such as specific badly rendered emails, might those problems 
VK> get addressed bye and bye?

I've never had any problem with image rendering. Please advise which
service you subscribe to, and I will subscribe and take a look.

VK> Overall, the question is, can I be hopeful of improvement in this 
VK> area in some reasonably timely way?

Yes, you should be hopeful. It's good for your general well-being.

VK> Or should I assume that what I see is what I get and decide if I
VK> can live with it?

In the meantime, that is a good idea.

VK> (As far as the images/HTML mail problems, the answer would be no,
VK> I need to find a different option if it would be like this
VK> long-term.)

TBH, I would like to see the problem before answering this one. TB!
may have shortcomings, but image rendering has (so far?) not been
mentioned. Or noticed by myself, for that matter.

VK> (2) My other big concern is around support, maintenance, development. 
VK> Can I get support--some forum comments make that seem doubtful.

Well, I don't know about the forum. But this mailing list is certainly
helpful. You'll get all the support you need right here.

VK> That the documentation is so out of date and inaccurate and that
VK> many things appear undocumented worries me. (I saw a forum thread
VK> about creating a manual? Is that likely?)

Yes, there is a rumour about updating the help file. Believe me, the
best way is to ask over here.

And look around at http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

VK> I finally found a bug list at
VK> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view_all_bug_page.php, referenced in
VK> some forum thread. Is that used?

Very much so.

VK> Can I submit there?

Yes, certainly.

VK> Is there hope of things getting fixed?

The only hope we have. Any bug submitted via forum or mailing list has
no meaning unless you also mention the bug tracker (BT) entry. Full
URL for easy support is appreciated.




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