
On Wednesday 15 July 2009 at 10:34:39 PM, in
<mid:491915024.20090715223...@trink.co.uk>, jb_lists...@trink.co.uk

> Hello TB! Users,

> I  have  a  problem  with  two icons for TB appearing
> on my taskbar in Windows Vista. It affects both Vista
> machines.

> When  I  first start TB, two buttons appear on the task
> bar. One has the TB  icon  and is labelled "The Bat!"
> and the other has the icon but is otherwise  blank.
> The  blank  button usually goes away if I close and
> restart  TB.  I  have  tried  various  things to get
> rid of the second button without success. Any
> suggestions?

I use XP not Vista and I sometimes get two - the extra one has a TB!
logo and is labelled "Loading anti-virus plug-ins." This is usually
the first thing to appear when I load TB!, a split second before the
splash screen appears. About 80-90% of the time, it disappears when
TB! has started and is populating the numbers of messages in the
folder tree. When it stays, nothing will get rid of it except closing
TB! - clicking or right-clicking it does nothing. The extra button has
no detriment apart from added clutter - TB! and the anti-virus
scanning of incoming and outgoing mails work as expected whether it
stays there or not, so I don't worry about it. My anti-virus is
the free version of Avast 4.8.

Best regards,

The truth is rarely pure and never simple

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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