Hallo Simon,

On Wed, 22 Jul 2009 17:04:53 +0100GMT (22-7-2009, 18:04 +0200, where
I live), you wrote:

P>  No To:, From:, Message-Id:, or Subject: display in TB! either, although
P>  visible when revelaing the headers using CTRL+SHIFT+K.

P>  To get at the invisible base64 encoded contents (viewed source to and
P>  copied it) I modified the email, changed the content type and added
P>  boundaries to get a decoded part.txt. Here is the original email rarred up:

I  opened  the  provided .eml and I could read the contents just fine,
even   though I couldn't view the headers without resorting to F9, the
shortcut  Ctrl-Shift-K  didn't  help  in  this  case, so your uploaded
message might not be identical to what you received.

 How did you generate the .eml?
 My guess is that you did: Message -> Save as -> .eml
 Try this: Tools -> Export messages to -> .eml

Groetjes, Roelof

WinErr: 019 User error - Not our fault. Is Not! Is Not!
The Bat! 4.2.9
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
6 pop3 accounts, 1 imap account
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

Attachment: pgpp3Es74mWgT.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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