
On Wednesday 30 December 2009 at 7:37:06 PM, in
<mid:1625094560.20091230113...@gmail.com>, Susanne wrote:

> Hi,

> I always seem to have trouble finding where to set the
> font for the message list, whenever I set up TB new.

The help file says it's in "edit colour group" but here that only
gives options for text colour, background colour and font style
(bold/italic/underlined/strikeout). I suspect there is a GUI option 
somewhere; editing the COLORS.INI file in my mail folder is 
the only way I've found.

> Got the font for the folder tree and the editor.

Well hidden for the folder tree (-; And don't forget you can also 
apply colour groups to the folder tree...

> Also, is it possible to choose a background color for
> the html messages?

Yes, it's the same setting as for the background setting of plaintext
messages. At one time you could choose a different set of options for
the rich text viewer but, alas, no longer. And whatever text or
background settings you choose, an HTML mail can over-ride them - some
messages specify either the text colour or background colour but not
both, so you can end up with invisible text...

Anything I have said may possibly be different in 4.1.x versions.

Best regards

A bird in the hand makes it awfully hard to blow your nose

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