
On Saturday 29 May 2010 at 3:31:55 PM, in
<mid:172036267.20100529093...@jimkyle.com>, Jim Kyle wrote:

> I have a similar situation, and adopted the passworded
> "archived account" solution suggested by MFPA but with
> some slight differences: rather than moving entire
> folders, I've created folders of similar but not
> identical names under the archive account,

My formula is for    Account 1/Folder 1
to be backed up to   Archive Account/Account 1/Folder 1

>  and created
> filters in the Sorting Office to move messages 

Interesting; I never thought of using filters - probably because MAU
suggested the method using alternative deletion settings in the folder
properties just when I was thinking about how best to archive old 

Is that a manually activated or an automatic filter?
What is the rule? (Age is greater than X days?)
Is it different filter for each folder you archive, or is there some 
way of expressing the destination folder so that you can use the same 
filter for multiple folders?

> from the
> currently selected folder to the similarly named one in
> the archive account. Actually I don't move ALL
> messages, 

Nor do I on a regular basis. Jack said he found the controls for
moving folders around to be very cumbersome, and I have sometimes
found it easier to move the contents around rather than the folder 
itself. Of course, if the folder has lots of messages they take a 
while to move. (-;

> just those older than 6 or 12 months, so that
> I retain my correspondence history while keeping the
> current working folder relatively uncluttered.

Mine vary from 2 weeks to 2 years, but the principle is the same.

> This does require a bit of tedious effort to set up
> initially, 

Quite a bit if you archive many folders, but definitely well worth the 

Best regards

MFPA                    mailto:expires2...@ymail.com

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