
M> The "setting things up to archive automatically in future" was
M> mentioned in my next paragraph, although not described clearly. See if
M> this attempt is clearer.

Yes, I understood.

M> You don't need to do it in advance. 
M> Once you decide "Folder X" needs archiving: 

Once I decide the folder needs archiving, there's no longer a need to
archive messages with the method you describe since, at that point, it
won't be accepting any other messages. All I need to do at that point
is move the whole folder to my archive folder. The original no longer
exists. Sometimes I can't do that right away for whatever reason so,
over time, more than one such folder exists. This is where the problem
comes in. TB only allows moving one at a time and those moving tools
don't work well.

>> It really should be part of the program but TB has always been
>> lacking in basic tools and options so I don't expect much there.

M> Not basic, but it *is* there. At least twice.
M> As well as, the method I have outlined above, there is also
M> Jim's semi-automated method where the moving of messages is achieved
M> with a manually-activated filter to move all messages older than "N"
M> days to the archive folder specified in the filter.

Yes, there are options to move folders but they are very primitive by
today's standards (even those of five years ago).


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