> I thought the other problem with stubs was that one tclblend.dll
> could not be loaded into both a JDK 1.1 and a JDK 1.2 JVM.

The JDK issue is separate.  The Tcl stubs mechanism only
helps you with the Tcl (and Tk) DLLs, not with the JDK
DLLs.  We will still need to build separate versions for
the different JDKs, but we can at least get rid of the
Tcl DLL version problem.  Try adding -DUSE_TCL_STUBS
to the C compiler flags.

> I keep hearing stuff about this "fix" but I have yet to see
> a patch on the list. Perhaps it is still in development.

I thought I saw it on the list.  I know it's in the 
public bug DB.  Brent made sure of that.

> Nope, no "feature changes" are going into 1.2.6. I still have some
> error message improvements that I want to add before 1.2.6
> will go out but there are no features that need to be changed (IMHO).
> A compiler switch for stubs might be a good thing to add to 1.3.

If we fix stubs in 1.2.5, we can easily (and should) add the 
configure switch.

> Anyone in their right mind would compile Tcl Blend from
> the source, it is just those poor windows folks with no
> compilers that I am worried about. I just don't see any
> reason to keep using Tcl 8.2 as the default for windows
> folks.

Let them use 1.2.5, especially if you're only tweaking
error messages (or is there more than that?). 

-- Scott

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