On Wed, 10 May 2000, Ulf Dittmer wrote:

> Hi everyone-

Well, the source code is up there so if you have a Mac
and a compiler :)

> I just joined this list, and am be VERY interested to see
> TCLBlend on the Mac. Is someone already working on this?

Not really, if the Mac JDK supports JNI then it should work
like a charm.

> If not, what are known issues that need to be addressed in
> the Win/Unix source?

I ported Jacl over to the mac way back at version 1.1, but
nobody downloaded it or seemed to care so it died.

> Are there any showstoppers or experiences
> from previous abortive porting efforts?

If you have compiled C code on that mac, that is all you
should need. I think Tcl Blend will actually be easier
to port to the mac because Tcl (the hard part) is already
done (thanks to Jim). If you can get a Mac port of Tcl Blend
up an running in the next couple of weeks I can see about
putting it up on the scriptics site.

> I'm versed in C, Java and (somewhat) TCL, and have CodeWarrior,
> so I might just try to give it a shot myself. Any hints are welcome.

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc.

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