On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Dr Wes Munsil wrote:

> I applied this patch and your other suggestion, and rebuilt, and now I cannot
> make it through the regression tests. tcljava/AutomaticSignature.test appears to
> deadlock. Can anyone help? My deadline is near, and I am close to having to
> abandon TclBlend as a solution, which I really do not want to have to do.

Where is it getting stuck? Does it also get stuck in this same place
if you load Tcl Blend into a running Tcl shell instead of loading
both Tcl and Tcl Blend into a JVM? Is is a Tcl event loop problem
or a JVM problem?

If finalization is the problem, why don't you try taking the finalization
methods out of the tcl.lang.Interp class? Try putting them into a
free() method that you can just call from your app when you
are done with the interp.

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

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