Mo DeJong wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Dr Wes Munsil wrote:
> > Thank you for your response. I am running "make test". (I don't know who loads 
>whom, but I
> > infer from your comments that that means I am loading a JVM into Tcl.) I had 
>removed the
> > MonitorEnter calls from JAVA_LOCK and JAVA_UNLOCK in response to an earlier 
>suggestion from
> > Jiang Wu.
> It sounds like you are just running "regular" Tcl Blend, so it should
> not be locking up like this. What version of Tcl are you using? You
> should grab Tcl 8.3.1 if you are not using that already.

When I started this project back in March, I could not get anything to work with JDK 
1.1.8, Tcl
8.3, and TclBlend 1.2.5, so I used Tcl 8.2.3. I do not remember now what the symptom 
was, just
that it didn't work. (I am using JDK 1.1.8 because of warnings about JDK 1.2 at

> > The history is this: I applied Jiang Wu's source patch to TclBlend 1.2.5 and 
>removed the
> > MonitorEnter calls. Then I ran "make test" just to see if things were still 
>working. They
> > were not.
> >
> > I agree that there seems to be no indication from these stack traces that garbage 
> > is in process.
> Well, it is going into a monitor somewhere.
> > > #6  0xef398a6c in sysMonitorEnter ()
> > > #7  0xef385080 in monitorEnter ()
> > > #8  0xef37960c in jni_MonitorEnter ()
> > > #9  0xef37ee5c in invoke_MonitorEnter ()
> > > #10 0xef5673cc in JavaCmdProc ()
> I suggest that you compile Tcl with debug symbol and
> then attach with gdb (or try the "make gdb" rule)
> to find out what JavaCmdProc() is doing to enter
> a monitor. That is what is locking up
> your threads.

Tcl, or TclBlend? I have not compiled Tcl... should I? (I'm using the binary 
distribution of Tcl.)
I will see if I can get anywhere with this approach.

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