> I want to add a feature where someone can connect and use a 
> network-interface of a remote computer to capture data. As ronnie 
> sahlberg has already pointed out in the ethereal list,
> authentication and athoriztion should be one of the topics there. For 
> sure the will be several more issues.
> If there is already a proposal regarding such an feature, it would be 
> nice to get some documents, otherwise I will start with it and will put 
> it on the list for further discussions.

I have code which does this already for wireless (sending a modified
pcap stream basically).

Wrapping it in SSL would be trivial (already on the list of stuff to

Moving this to pure pcap would also be trivial.  This seems more
application layer than pcap layer -- by the time you're talking about
remote sniffing and shipping the data over a network, you're not talking
about needing super-timestamping or many of the other stuff recently

You can snag the code out of Kismet, it's primarily in the
'kismet_drone' segment.  The network stack is actually being rewritten
but I haven't ported the drone to the new code, but take a look if you
feel like it.


it's all GPL so knock yourself out, tho I'd be curious to hear what you
do with it if you use it.


"If I must be lonely, I think I'd rather be alone."
      -- "Save Yourself", Stabbing Westward

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