> ...although having it in libpcap does mean that applications might, in 
> theory, be able to capture remotely without having to be changed.

Yeah, that would definitely be nice.

> However, if authentication is required for remote capture - which I 
> suspect a lot of sites would want - that might call for application 
> changes anyway, unless some form of single sign-on, wherein an identity 
> token of some sort obtained when you log in can also be used to 
> authenticate yourself to a remote capture device, can be used.

True.  Like you suggest later, I'd think some sort of callback might be
reasonable though.  SSL allows you to register your own cert passwd
callbacks, something along those lines.  Maybe even a 'challenge'
callback for the server and a 'response' for the client?  Allow people
to define their own auth methods?

> There are a number of remote capture protocols already: RMON, the Tazmen 
> Sniffer Protocol used by Network Chemistry's Neutrino Sensors, the 
> protocol Microsoft uses in Network Monitor (I don't know whether 
> anybody's reverse-engineered that or not), and the one that the WinPcap 
> people are working on:
>       http://winpcap.polito.it/docs/man/html/group__remote__help.html
> Libpcap should probably have a mechanism by which support for multiple 
> protocols can be added, so that multiple such protocols, including yours 
> (and presumably including "ssh to the remote machine and start up 
> tcpdump with the capture going to the standard output"), could be supported.

As long as I can push my metadata along it (I munge signal and channel
info to the head of the frame, as well as gps coords of the remote
capture node) I'd actually be pretty willing to adapt my protocol to
match a more standard one, if such a one exists/is developed.  I hadn't
wanted to stomp on the netchem guys by coopting their protocol as well
as their idea, and I didn't see anything else.  Infact, at the moment, I
make no promises that my protocol is even compatible between major
releases, simply because I'm the only one that uses it.

> There'd be a new API for opening captures; it'd include a mechanism for 
> supplying information necessary for authenticating yourself with a 
> remote capture device.

I like this idea.  I've even thought it would be nice to have some sort
of shared mem pipe locally to funnel data between sniffer 'components',
for example let Kismet capture the data and control the channel hopping,
handle the decryption, and munge all the funny driver-specific stuff
down to a standard stream... and then let ethereal attach to that and
get a realtime stream of the data Kismet has munged into shape.  This
would also be a more efficient way of tieing in IDS systems (right now I
can export to Snort via a named fifo, but it's sort of klugey).

Maybe the latter is just what would be convenient for me and not the
world at large, but it's worth thinking of.


There's too much blood in my caffeine system!

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