> Hi Denis.
> In deed I've seen different output from the same code. As if the field's 
> position change upon different power runs. For example, one time I 
> successfuly got packet type, subtype and rssi values coherent with distance. 
> Some other run of the same code, but I'd power cycled the router, I got 
> packet type of 11484 for example ( packet type vary from 0 to 2). I thought - 
> again - I could be doing something wrong..
> Do you think your suggestion could explain the behaviour I described?
> Thanks for your answer.

I'm only an occasional user of little-endian MIPS and don't have a solid 
explanation for that. However, it is worth checking that the 
DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO packets arrive well-formed in the first place. Does the 
current git master of tcpdump decode the same packets right?

 Denis Ovsienko
tcpdump-workers mailing list

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