-----Original Message-----
From: m...@sandelman.ca [mailto:m...@sandelman.ca] 
Sent: den 23 maj 2013 20:03
To: Anders Broman
Cc: tcpdump-workers@lists.tcpdump.org
Subject: Re: [tcpdump-workers] Request for new DLT

>>>>> "Anders" == Anders Broman <anders.bro...@ericsson.com> writes:
    Pascal> Anders can describe it better than me, but the format
    Pascal> intends to be versatile.It allows you to export any higher
    Pascal> level PDUs in a pcap file while maintaining some basic
    Pascal> information about the lower layers 

>So, how are the higher level PDUs going to be described?
>that is, will you have a recursive DLT value, or what exactly?

    Pascal> (like the transport one). The current code sample in
    Pascal> Wireshark is for SIP protocol, but could be extended to any
    Pascal> protocol if there is a need. With a DLT allocated, it would
    Pascal> allow the feature to work out of  

>I'd rather have it be rather specific and well defined, then loose and 
>nebulous.  DLTs already require too much specialized knowledge to decode as it 

I'm not sure I get the objection, do you feel that these protocol type tag 
isn't clear enough?
#define EXP_PDU_TAG_LINKTYPE          11 /**< The value part is the linktype 
value defined by tcpdump 
#define EXP_PDU_TAG_PROTO_NAME        12 /**< The value part should be an ASCII 
non NULL terminated string 
                                          * of the short protocol name used by 
Wireshark e.g "sip"
                                          * Will be used to call the next 
/* Add protocol type related tags here NOTE Only one protocol type tag may be 
present in a packet, the first one found will be used*/

The meta data tags are optional.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
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