On Feb 16, 2014, at 2:03 PM, Chris Kilgour <tec...@whiterocker.com> wrote:

> I have established the following two documents that I can confirm will not be 
> changed in any technically-significant way.  There may be editorial changes 
> for typos and the like.  And, if there are any further libpcap-related 
> technical recommendations prior to DLT allocation, I can accommodate those as 
> well.
> [1] http://www.whiterocker.com/bt/LINKTYPE_BLUETOOTH_BREDR_BB.html
> [2] http://www.whiterocker.com/bt/LINKTYPE_BLUETOOTH_LE_LL_WITH_PHDR.html

So, at this point, would you rather that tcpdump.org, rather than you, host 
those documents?

In your case, you could either maintain the packet description and references 
to other specifications (such as the Bluetooth specs, in this case), and have 
tcpdump.org just link to your descriptions, or have those pages live on the 
tcpdump.org Web site.  I have no real preference for either alternative - 
whatever works best for you is fine.

The reference to "editorial changes" indicate that it might be better for you 
to maintain them, so that you can make those changes without having to put them 
up as pull requests on the GitHub repository for the Web site.
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