On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:40 -0800, Guy Harris wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2014, at 2:20 AM, Simon Berg <k...@fluffware.se> wrote:
> > Given a valid octet-stream, all the data going over the wire would be
> > part of a packet.
> OK, {LINKTYPE,DLT}_PROFIBUS_DL (_DL to emphasize that this is at the data 
> link layer - if somebody wants, in the future, to provide something less than 
> the full data link layer set of octets, another name could be used for that) 
> have been assigned the value 257.


If someone is interested I have written a tool (pblog) that will capture
PROFIBUS data from a serial device and write it as PCAPNG.
Works on Linux. I'm doing some tricks to get the high speeds so it
probably won't work on anything else out of the box.
You can get it from 


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