On Feb 15, 2014, at 2:10 PM, Luigi Rizzo <ri...@iet.unipi.it> wrote:

> Netmap works at least on any interface visible to the OS
> (in native or emulated mode, the latter with some limitations
> e.g not when the interface is bound to a switch),
> but ports of VALE switches and netmap pipes are dynamically created
> so any name that starts with netmap: and vale results in a
> valid netmap port.

Is there any reason why dynamically creating a VALE switch or netmap port *as a 
result of opening a device in libpcap* would be useful?  libpcap is generally 
used to capture and inject network traffic on already-existing interfaces; if 
you create a VALE switch or netmap port by opening netmap:helloworld in 
libpcap, what traffic will you see, and where will injected traffic go?
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