(Resending to the list.)

On Apr 22, 2014, at 1:28 PM, Philip Rosenberg-Watt 
<p.rosenberg-w...@cablelabs.com> wrote:

> Great! I just submitted my Wireshark dissector with the appropriate


That dissector does

 /* Start_of_Packet delimiter (/S/) can either happen in byte 1 or byte 2,
  * making the captured preamble either 7 or 6 bytes in length. If the
  * preamble starts with 0x55, then /S/ happened in byte 1, making the
  * captured preamble 7 bytes in length.
  * If for some reason the sniffer adds two bytes of 0x55 idle before SLD,
  * do not change the offset, but raise an error later.
 if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0x5555) {
   offset -= 0;
 } else if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0x55D5) {
   offset -= 1;
 } else if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0xD555) {
   offset -= 2;
 } else {
   item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_epon, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
   expert_add_info(pinfo, item, &ei_epon_sld_bad);
   return 0;

The code current starts out with offset = 0, and appears to always add 2 to 
offset; I'll suggest replacing that with

 /* Start_of_Packet delimiter (/S/) can either happen in byte 1 or byte 2,
  * making the captured preamble either 7 or 6 bytes in length. If the
  * preamble starts with 0x55, then /S/ happened in byte 1, making the
  * captured preamble 7 bytes in length.
  * If for some reason the sniffer adds two bytes of 0x55 idle before SLD,
  * do not change the offset, but raise an error later.
 if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0x5555) {
   offset += 2;
 } else if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0x55D5) {
   offset += 1;
 } else if (tvb_get_ntohs(tvb, 0) == 0xD555) {
   offset += 0;
 } else {
   item = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_epon, tvb, offset, 0, ENC_NA);
   expert_add_info(pinfo, item, &ei_epon_sld_bad);
   return 0;

and subtract 2 from the offsets passed to code adding items to the protocol 
tree, to make the code a bit more understandable (in terms of offsets from the 
beginning of the packet data).

This suggests that the description of LINKTYPE_EPON needs to be changed, to 
indicate that:

        the preamble in the capture file is between 6 and 8 octets long, *not* 
a fixed 6 octets long;

        if it begins with 0x55 0x55, the preamble is 8 octets long, and what 
follows the 0x55 0x55 is the 6 octets in question;

        if it begins with 0x55 0xD5, the preamble is 7 octets long, and what 
follows the initial 0x55 is the 6 octets in question;

        if it begins with 0xD5 0x55, the preamble is 6 octets long, and is the 
6 octets in question.

In addition, the code *still* has a preference to indicate whether the octet 
preceding the mode/LLID is just 0x55 or an encryption enabled/key ID field.  

        1) there should be *two* LINKTYPE_ values - LINKTYPE_EPON, in which 
that field is just part of the preamble, and LINKTYPE_DPON or 
LINKTYPE_CABLELABS_DPOE, in which it's an encryption enabled/key ID field


        2) if that field will *never* have the value 0x55 in a DPoE capture, 
and will *always* have the value 0x55 in a regular EPON capture, use that to 
determine what the field is.

(Any time a tcpdump link-layer printer for a given DLT_ value, or a Wireshark 
dissector for a WTAP_ENCAP_ value, requires a preference/command line option to 
control how the octets of the link-layer header are parsed, God kills a kitten. 
 Please, think of the kittens.)

(Slide 5 of


says, emphatically, that this "Is NOT DOCSIS over fiber", so I assume what 
follows the DPoE preamble is an Ethernet frame, *not* a DOCSIS frame.)
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