    During the presentation this morning, I showed how to use ghost to quickly re-image failed machines and said I would put the autoexec.bat files in an email and send them out.  Here they are:
for BACKING UP- creating the original image on the other half of the hard drive
gdisk 1 /-hide /p:2
GHOST.exe -clone,mode=pcopy,src="1:2,dst=1:1" -sure
gdisk 1 /hide /p:2
for RESTORING- restoring the original image from the other half of the drive
gdisk 1 /-hide /p:2
GHOST.exe -clone,mode=pcopy,src="1:1,dst=1:2" -sure
gdisk 1 /hide /p:2
The first line unhides the second partition, second line copies the partition, third line hides the partition again so it can't be accessed by any user.  The list of files on the floppy disk is contained below:
AUTOEXEC.BAT, COMMAND.COM, GDISK.EXE, GHOST.EXE, IBMBIOS.COM, IBMDOS.COM, MOUSE.COM, MOUSE.INI   The instructions for creating such a disk are contained in the GHOST manual.  You can't beat the cost of Ghost for restoring lab machines!!
    If you have any questions about doing this or are interested in building a file server, DON'T reply to this message but send a separate email.  Anti-spamming prevents me from receiving a reply message sent through the tech-cord list-serv.  If several schools are interested, we could meet here, put together a list of parts, order them, and then get together again to assemble the units after the parts have arrived.  Again, total cost for the server would be around $1100.
BTW, the web site to download Staroffice 5.2 is   Its a 77 Meg compressed file.  There are all kinds of tutorials and manuals on using Staroffice online at the same site.  Check it out.

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