
    Here's a newsletter with some interesting info.  There's an article
about Novell and open source.  I've seen one of those small cars referred to
in the article on TV.  They're awesome!!!  They'll be hot for Christmas.
Put one of them on my Christmas list.  Hey, I'm just an older kid.


----- Original Message -----
From: "What's New Now from Ziff Davis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 5:49 PM
Subject: Palm's Sub-$100 PDA, We Like Lindows!, What's In New AOL/MSN

> =========================================================
>            -------- WHAT'S NEW NOW --------
>   Important Stories, Commentary & More from Ziff Davis
> =========================================================
> October 8, 2002
> Vol. 1, No. 12
> =========================================================
> What's New Now: PDA, PC Prices fall, IT Spending to
> increase, free utility increases monitor space.
> As the recovery stalls, and we head into the second dip of
> this "dubya" recession, and as the winds of war seem to be
> blowing from Washington, the computer industry responds by
> cutting prices and delivering lower-cost versions, hoping to
> spike sales in this lackluster season. And although we've
> got the scoop on Gartner's forecasts for next year (budgets
> up, headcount down), it's not looking rosy. So whether
> you're searching for a PC, PDA, a budget server or a
> super-fun race car, we've got all the details for how you
> can save money and still get the goods this week.
> PDA for Pennies: Perhaps you have a PDA? Perhaps, like me,
> you have a drawer full of dusty PDAs? Well if you're looking
> for another one, or just contemplating a holiday gift for a
> friend, you'll want to read our review of Palm's latest: a
> sub $100 unit named the Zire (for DeZire?). It's a great
> price, but did Palm skimp too much to make it worthwhile?
> If you'd rather opt for fashion than functionality, check
> out what the Razor scooter folks are up to. Yes, it's a PDA!
> Sub $200 Desktop PC: Wal-Mart and Microtel have teamed up to
> offer a full-featured computer for just $200. It's an
> amazing price, but what did they leave out? Well first, they
> spiked the Microsoft tax -- this baby runs the 2.0 version
> of Lindows, a Linux variant. Is it good enough for Mom?
> Junior? Or is it simply too lightweight? If you're in the
> market for a second PC, or buying one for a friend, you
> won't want to miss our review:
> Plus, we take a look at the Lindows 2.0 operating system
> and, surprise surprise, we actually like it. Find out what
> turned our heads:
> Lindows 2.0 also turns eWeek's Jason Brooks around. Find out
> why:
> Other Unix news: Novell surprisingly opts for open source:
> and Sun plans a $99 version of Solaris:
> Build a server for free:  What if you need a server, but
> you're tired of spending thousands?  We've got all the
> details on how you can build your own bulletproof server,
> powerful enough to leap small buildings, for under $600. As
> if that wasn't enough, we even outline an option that's
> virtually free:
> =========================================================
> New Stories in MICROSOFT WATCH:
> * Wave Bye-Bye to Ship Date Targets: Yukon, Now, Longhorn
> * MS To Target Adobe with ePublisher?
> * Microsoft Business Framework:  New Secret Weapon
> in MS's Applications Arsenal
> Try MICROSOFT WATCH Now for 14 Days Free! Click Here:
> =========================================================
> Wireless Cars Lift Spirits: And if all this talk of war and
> recession has you down, there's nothing like a little zippy
> toy to perk up your spirits. Just imagine how much fun you'd
> have with a 2" long, wireless remote controlled Porsche!
> We've got all the details on these exciting new Asian
> imports, including how to overclock them to amazing speeds!
> Read our review before you buy:
> What's New In AOL and MSN Version 8: eWEEK's got the goods on
> what's in the new versions. Look forward to better spam
> control, lots more customization, better email. Read it
> here first on eWEEK:
> IT Outlook Mixed: Industry research powerhouse Gartner is
> having its annual confab at DisneyWorld this week, and among
> Goofy and Dopey, a clearer picture of next year is starting
> to emerge. It seems that businesses will be spending more,
> but laying off more workers too. A paradox? Read our stories
> and get all the details, along with the latest actors in the
> "Who's Afraid of Michael Dell" saga, Carly Fiorina and John
> Chambers.
> Gartner says IT Spending Increase to double in 2003:
> Recovery means less IT jobs:
> Cisco not afraid of Dell:
> HP not scared of Dell either:
> Jump-Start Your Career: If you work in IT, the current job
> slump has probably hit you hard. Even if you're still
> working, your mobility has been limited, because with all
> the layoffs, there are just not enough new opportunities
> being created. But now's not the time to stick your head in
> the sand -- start positioning yourself for the upturn today.
> We've got advice from hiring managers and IT executives on
> what to do today:
> Creative Job Seaching Strategies:
> Dvorak on email-humor: Dvorak takes a break from thrashing
> computer products, and takes on e-mail humor. He's detected
> a big change over the last year. Think we've gone soft? Are
> we afraid to laugh? Read his column for a thought-provoking
> view on how humor has shifted.
> Expand Your Desktop: Finally, we've got something free, and
> useful just for you. Do you find your windows desktop as
> cluttered as your desk? Then you need XpanDesk, our latest
> free download. Partition up your desktop and make your life
> easier!
> Where there's Smoke, there's Fire: Finally, one apology for
> last week's edition. I got flamed, oddly enough, over a lack
> of flames in one of our stories. We reported on the problems
> with some of Pioneer's DVD burners, and I implied that they
> could possibly spontaneously combust. Unfortunately our
> story lacked any detail on smoke, or fire. Turns out I was
> weaving in details I'd read from another story -- from a
> European news site. Although unlikely, smoke and fire is an
> outside possibility -- when the laser stays on, it gets
> pretty hot. At any rate, I should have ensured that those
> fiery details were in our own story before writing it up
> here. My apologies, I'll try not to do it again!
> -- Jim Louderback
> =========================================================
> Visit the E-Business Solution Center, brought to you
> exclusively by Ziff Davis and Sprint:
> =========================================================
> =========================================================
> Free eSeminar on Networked Attached Storage -- 10/24
> Learn overall trends in Network Attached Storage
> (NAS) and what that means for you and your customers.
> Also learn the top features you should look for when buying
> supplemental storage devices. Presented by Iomega and
> Microsoft
> =========================================================
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