On Tue, 9 Feb 2010, David Holland wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 09, 2010 at 03:55:59AM +0000, Eduardo Horvath wrote:
>  > > What magic sauce do you have? Please share it - lfs has been broken
>  > > for everyone else.
>  > 
>  > Dunno.  Although I do disable fsck_lfs.  It usually causes more problems 
>  > than it solves.  It needs a complete overhaul.  It tries to act like 
>  > fsck_ffs instead of validating segment checksums and regenerating the 
>  > ifile.
> ...except that it also apparently can't actually repair most problems
> it finds, which isn't very helpful of it.
>  > A also haven't updated my sources for a while so I don't have to worry 
>  > about DEV_BSIZE breakage.
> Do you feel up to testing my patch? It works for me for basic stuff,
> although I didn't try pounding on it because it wasn't expected to work.

I'm a bit low on disk space at the moment, but if you build me a generic 
sparc64 kernel I can test it.


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