On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 01:54:49PM -0400, Elad Efrat wrote:
> Thor Lancelot Simon wrote:
>> If not, I don't think this adds any benefit to your proposal and is likely
>> to simply be a distraction; I'd urge you in that case to drop it.
> Strongly seconded. There are so many great ways to improve NetBSD and
> wasting time and money on fuzzing is about as suboptimal as it gets.


First of all, that's not what Thor said; second of all, you really
should not be telling potential gsoc students that their project ideas
are flatly worthless, even if your judgment were correct; and third,
I'm rather surprised that anyone who claims to work on security would
call testing and analysis tools worthless.

Let's try not to scare everyone off, ok?

David A. Holland

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