On Fri, 21 May 2010, John Nemeth wrote:

} be loaded during start-up time and then unloaded after the machine is up

    It would have to be loaded by the boot loader then.  As far as I
know, only the x86 boot loader is capable of loading modules.

I'm almost finished with the PCIVERBOSE stuff...

My current approach is to load the module right before the first pcibus is enumerated, and unload when finished. So we can use the in-kernel loader/linker for whichever platforms it supports. For other platforms it will still be possible to set 'options PCIVERBOSE' to generate a built-in module.

The fun part is making sure that the shared code still plays nicely with src/lib/libpci :)

    Yes, I think it would be very useful.  I was thinking of looking
at this myself.  Thanks for taking on this task.  It's one thing I can
cross off my TODO list.  :-)

No worries!  When I finish up with PCI, I'll start in on USB.

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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