Jean-Yves Migeon <> wrote:
> >
> > I know that a lot of legacy code uses the preprocessor the way that you
> > have in i386_cpu_switch_pmap(), but I don't think that the preprocessor
> > should be used in that way any longer.  In my experience, code that uses
> > the preprocessor heavily is harder to read and to change and to test.
> > Why don't you let config(1) and ld(1) do the work that the preprocessor
> > does?  For example:
>  >[snip]
> I like that. Will do. Thanks!

Agree with David's point, but it should not be done at function level.
Rather higher level interface abstraction.  In uvmplock branch, I have
already split some x86 pmap bits into pmap_tlb.c and xen_pmap.c modules.
More interfaces can be abstracted in respect to e.g. Xen.


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