On Sun Jul 25 2010 at 15:17:29 -0700, Paul Goyette wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jul 2010, matthew green wrote:
> >
> >it seems to me the root problem is that module_mutex is held while
> >calling into the module startup routines.
> >
> >thus, the right solution is to remove this requirement.
> Yes, that's what is needed.

I'm far from convinced that's a good idea.  First, it will probably
make the module code a nightmare -- what happens when you have multiple
interleaved loads, some of which fail at some point in their dependency
stack, and let's just throw in a manual modunload to mix up things
further.  Second, and pretty much related to number one, it goes against
one of the most fundamental principles of robust code: atomic actions.

If modload-from-modcmd is found necessary, sounds more like a case for
the infamous recursive lock.

(no comment on the actual problem)

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