On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 02:21:34PM +0100, Johnny Billquist wrote:
 > >  >  then I realized that this solution would break if people actually
 > >  >  wrote code like
 > >  >  lock(a)
 > >  >  lock(b)
 > >  >  release(a)
 > >  >  release(b)
 > >
 > >...which is very common.
 > It is? I would have thought (and hoped) that people normally did:
 > lock(a)
 > lock(b)
 > unlock(b)
 > unlock(a)

Nope. You might get away with this if we always did strict two-phase
locking in the kernel, but we don't (no kernel does) to avoid
excessive contention on e.g. the vnode for / and other such locks.
Meanwhile, lock coupling tends to appear anytime one is transitioning
through a data structure and wants to maintain consistency.

Thus the typical usage is something like

   b = a->b
   c = b->c

It can be shown that this preserves conflict serializability as long
as nothing ever follows the structure in the opposite order (c -> b ->

The traditional place you find code like this is in pathname
translation, but in a MP kernel it pops up in lots of other places

 > I agree that it's not wrong, but untidy. Keeping track of ipl
 > levels could have been kept within the mutex instead, thus
 > simplifying both the lock and unlock code, at the expense that
 > people actually had to unlock mutexes in the reverse order they
 > acquired them. Just as with the splraise/splx before.

That however isn't workable.

(And it still wouldn't be workable even in a kernel that had separate
spinlocks and sleep-locks.)

David A. Holland

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