On 11/14/10 20:16, David Holland wrote:
On Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 01:45:40AM +0900, Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
  >  >  Wow. I guess you can add me to the list of people leaving.
  >  There is no perfect world and we don't have enough resources.
  >  Any help to keep support for ancient machines are appreciate, but
  >  complaints like "we should support it" which prevents improvements
  >  of mainstream will just make NetBSD rotten.

What "prevents improvements of mainstream" are we talking about here?
We have someone who wants to provide tuned vax-specific locking
primitives. The absolute worst possible cost to the "mainstream" that
this incurs is a bit of extra cpp and config hackery.

(Can we all please get a grip?)

Yes, please.

And... Wow, just for my seaching for a spin mutex lock against myself at boot time, I started counting the number of times the uvm_fpageqlock spin mutex is taken. By the time the "boot device: xxx" is printed out, that spin-mutex have been taken 423137 times.

That looked like a big number to me atleast. (And yes, it is that mutex that is taken twice, which traps me right now. Still looking at why it happens, but I know that the "normal" code does not in fact check for this condition, and happily just accept that you take a spin-lock that is already taken, when you're not multiprocessor.)


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