On Nov 16, 2010, at 8:04 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

> On 2010-11-17 04:52, Matt Thomas wrote:
>> Not true.  Spinlocks must enter through mutex_spin_enter and adaptive mutexes
>> enter through mutex_enter.  The corresponding is true for exiting as well.
>> The only reason mutex_vector_{enter,exit} is called to cause a panic.
> That may be true in theory, but I happen to know (now) that it's not true in 
> reality. I've found atleast one place in the kernel where this is done.

Then that is a bug and should be fixed.  File a PR.

> Oh, and mutex_vector_exit will not cause a panic, just because it was called 
> from mmutex_spin_exit with a adaptive mutex. mutex_vector_exit will simply 
> just handle it as an adaptive mutex, and release it.

That should probably be fixed.

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