Michael wrote:

>> I completely agree that it is not nice, and I already thought about
>> turning the Alt/Option key into AltGr. But then we would miss Alt  
>> under
>> NetBSD (which is used in various X11-based GUIs). The Apple/Command  
>> keys,
>> on the other hand, are not needed.
> In my opinion the keys should do what the label says, option should be  
> alt and the right option key should behave like the right alt key on  
> every other keyboard on the planet,

The label for the right alt key shows "Alt", not "AltGr". This means the
current wscons behaviour is wrong for Apple keyboards, as it turns the
right alt key into AltGr? I just verified that on my Apple Pro keyboard.

> The Command keys should probably become Meta.

Ok. So we don't swap any keys or change their meaning. Agreed.

But then the problem on Apple notebook keyboards, where you only have the
left Alt key, remains: Where is the AltGr key?

Without that key all users of non-US keymaps won't be able to type important
characters like |, \, @, [, {, ~.

A solution must be found.

Frank Wille

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