Hello NetBSD folks,
    I just ran into this issue today (variable length unsigned long
used in chflags syscalls) on FreeBSD and I wasn't sure if anyone was
aware of the issue yet on NetBSD [1] . Just wanted to let you guys
know so that maybe the 3 major BSDs could get on the same page as far
as definitions go to reduce external developer pain in other projects
like Python [2], etc (I chose to standardize on fflags_t for clarity
as it already appeared to have been standardized to some degree in the
FreeBSD sourcebase, but that appears to be a FreeBSD-specific
    Please let me know if I need to redirect this message to an alternate list.

1. http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-fs/2011-January/010481.html
2. http://bugs.python.org/issue8746

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