> Very recently I have managed to get my hands on a pretty odd RTL8139
> card which does not identify with the system well, because it reports
> 0x0001 as vendor ID. On Linux it worked because Linux already detects
> such cards, while NetBSD doesn't.

- Can you show actual board vendor name of that card?
  (to denote quirks in sources)
- Is that card recognized properly on "supported OS," i.e. MS Windows?
- If yes, does it work with Windows default driver or vendor's driver?
- If it works on Windows, what does the device manager show,
  especially PCI vendor and product IDs?

If the board vendor intentionally sets its PCI vendor ID to 0x0001,
we can add such odd ID into rtk_pci_devs[] in if_rtk_pci.c.

But if it's caused by broken EEPROM or bad drivers which badly
overwrite EEPROM data, we should not accept random ID numbers.

Izumi Tsutsui

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