On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 07:46:21AM +0200, Alan Barrett wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, David Holland wrote:
> >The proposed standard format for quotas is an ordinary columnar
> >text file. The reason language bindings came up is that Manuel was
> >complaining, somewhat oddly, that it's hard to handle these in
> >Perl.
> Assuming that there's no need to handle fields with embedded spaces,
> perl's split() function will DTRT.

No, it does not because there are fields that can be empty.

> >And actually, language bindings are probably a good thing anyway;
> >if you have an installation with 50,000 users and you want to frob
> >their quotas from a Perl script, forking 50,000 edquota processes
> >is probably not the best approach.
> Oh my, I missed the part of the edquota man page where it says "a
> temporary file is created for each user".  Why can't it just create
> a single temporary file with a text table of all quotas?
> By the way, I still haven't figured out how to test any of this
> quota stuff.  "quotaon /" followed by "edquota -f /" does nothing
> (no error message, and no useful result).  Using the device name
> "/dev/cgd1a" instead of the file system name "/" does not help.

what are you trying to do ?
quotaon won't do anything if / doesn't have the userquota or groupquota
keyword in the fstab, and you have to run quotacheck before quotaon.
This is for ufs-quota1.

For ufs-quota2, quotas are enabled at newfs time, or with tunefs (with
the later this has to be done on a read-only mounted filesystem, and you
have to run fsck before mounting R/W). quotaon won''t do anything
for ufs-quota2.

Manuel Bouyer <bou...@antioche.eu.org>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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