>> I few minutes ago I updated the kernel and modules on my 6.0_BETA
 >> to the latest netbsd-6 sources and enabled debugging kernel options.
 >>    options        DEBUG           # expensive debugging checks/support
 >>    makeoptions    DEBUG="-g"      # compile full symbol table
 >> Userlevel was not updated.
 >> After login in xdm the system crashed.
 >>     at /srv/src_netbsd_current/sys/arch/x86/x86/pmap.c:3326
 >>     3326            KASSERT(uvm_page_locked_p(pg));
 >> Stacktrace is below. Any clue?

> It looks like the same problem as what makes the kernel occasionally panic
> while running tests. It looks like a race condition causing memory corrution,
> but this is hard to track down ...

On my system this crash is reproducible. At least it repeated three
times with xdm login.  Does it make sense to send PR?

Best regards, Aleksey Cheusov.

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