On Jun 8, 2012, at 2:15 PM, D'Arcy Cain wrote:

> I have been having entropy issues lately.  In particular, password
> generation takes a long time.  The apg utility usually takes almost
> a minute to run.
> I tried bitstir from pkgsrc which does solve the entropy issue but
> it does so by working the disk a lot.  Besides concerns about lowering
> the life of the drives, it also seems to affect disk access.  Users
> are actually noticing hangups when writing files.  So, it seems that
> I have simply traded on slowdown for another.
> I was wondering if there was a better way to increase entropy on these
> headless servers than running the drives.  One idea that occurred to
> me was to use the pseudo-random generator (/dev/urandom) to feed extra
> entropy to /dev/random.  Would mixing pseudo randomness with real be
> random enough for most purposes?
> I also wonder what is draining entropy so much.  Maybe that's where I
> should be focusing but I don't know how to monitor that.
> -- 
> D'Arcy J.M. Cain <da...@netbsd.org>
> http://www.NetBSD.org/ IM:da...@vex.net

>From what I remember from reading Schneier's discussion of this topic (in the 
>description of the PRNG he designed), the notion of "draining" entropy does 
>not make cryptographic sense.  Instead, what you have in a PRNG is a secure 
>bitstring extender, which is seeded with a sufficiently unpredictable 
>bitstring.  Yes, it's good to add entropy into the mix when you have some, but 
>the security property you're looking for is that, knowing large amounts of 
>output from /dev/random, you have no practical way to predict any of the bits 
>preceding what you know, nor any of the bits following what you know.  And 
>that will be true if the extender is cryptographically secure, and the seed 
>has enough entropy that brute force search of the seed space is impractical.

So... If we have a good PRNG in the current /dev/random code, then the thing to 
do is to make /dev/random block ONLY when it doesn't yet have enough seed 
entropy, but never block after that point.

Also, whether our current /dev/random is good or not, stirring /dev/urandom 
into it is a waste of time, because /dev/urandom is simply /dev/random without 
the blocking.


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