(Mouse) writes:

>>> These disks lie about their actual sector size.
>> These disks just follow their specification.

>That's as meaningless as...on, to pick an unreasonably extreme example,
>a hitman saying "I was just following orders".

Apparently as meaningless saying "lies about".

>> They also report the true sector size.

>Not according to the documentation, at least not in the one case I
>investigated.  The documentation flat-out says the sector size is 4K,
>but the disk claims to have half-K sectors.

>The problem is that there are two sizes here,

That's why the disk has multiple attributes that it can report.

>Neither.  The sector size claimed to the host should equal both the
>sector size on the media and the granularity of the interface.

Apparently that doesn't work out :)

>Anything else is IMO a bug in the drive and should be treated as such,
>which in NetBSD's case I would say means a quirk entry, documented as
>being a workaround for broken hardware, for it.

Believing the drive that it has standard sector sizes works fine.

                                Michael van Elst
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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