>>> I tried moving a client NFS mount to async.  [...]
>> Further testing shows that server with -o log / client with -o async
>> has no performance problem.  OTOH, the client sometimes complain
>> about write errors.  -o async seems dangerous.
> -o async is very dangerous.  there's not even the vaguest guarantee
> that even fsck can help you after a crash in that case...

I think you're confusing -o async on the server-side (FFS, etc) mount
with -o async on the client-side (NFS) mount.  The former, yes, agreed
(though fsck will be able to put things back together just about often
enough to lull people into a false sense of security...).  The latter,
things aren't quite so dismal - depending on what the client is doing
and what kind of damage it's prepared to tolerate, -o async on the NFS
mount ("client with -o async") may actually be a sane thing to do.

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