On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 08:48:51AM -0400, Terry Moore wrote:
> Still, you should check whether you have the right number of the right
> generation of PCIe lanes connected to the ixg. 

I found this, but the result does not make sense: negociated > max ...

Link Capabilities Ragister (0xAC): 0x00027482
bits 3:0   Supprted Link speed:  0010 = 5 GbE and 2.5 GbE speed supported
bits 9:4   Max link width: 001000 = x4
bits 14:12 L0s exit lattency: 101 = 1 µs - 2 µs
bits 17:15 L1 Exit lattency: 011 = 4 µs - 8 µs  

Link Status Register (0xB2): 0x1081
bits 3:0   Current Link speed:  0001 = 2.5 GbE PCIe link
bits 9:4   Negociated link width: 001000 = x8

Emmanuel Dreyfus

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