On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Greg Troxel <g...@ir.bbn.com> wrote:
> The ZFS bits in NetBSD seem old, and it also seems that they don't quite
> 100% work.
> Now, it seems OpenZFS is the locus of ZFS activity, and that's how
> FreeBSD's ZFS code is maintained:
>   http://open-zfs.org/wiki/Main_Page
> Thus, it seems that it would be good to extend OpenZFS to support NetBSD
> (or extend NetBSD's glue code to support OpenZFS), and to have recent
> OpenZFS code in NetBSD's src/external.
> I have put this notion in the "Finish ZFS" project page:
>   https://wiki.netbsd.org/projects/project/zfs/?updated
> I am curious if anyone who understands ZFS better has opinions on whether
> my notion of heading to OpenZFS makes sense, and how hard it is likely
> to be.

That is definitely the way to go. It is extend NetBSD to support
OpenZFS - OpenZFS does not really have a core repo. FreeBSD is the
closest, plus the existing NetBSD glue. It all builds on rump, so you
can work in userspace, might be easiest to start on a FreeBSD system
to cross check.

The OpenZFS community is pretty friendly.

  • OpenZFS? Greg Troxel
    • Re: OpenZFS? Justin Cormack

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