On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 12:25:09PM +0800, Paul Goyette wrote:
 > >> Is there some reason why kern/Makefile isn't used to create the table at
 > >> the same time as creating the other various syscall-related sources?
 > >
 > >All kinds of things about syscalls should be auto-generated that
 > >aren't.
 > Well, I won't promise to do "all kinds of things" but I am close to getting
 > the auto-load table auto-generated.


all I really meant was: there is no reason I know of other than "it's

 > >Sometime I would like to move to auto-generating all the
 > >copyin/copyout code...
 > Maybe for a future project.  :)

The only immediately relevant thing is that sometime I'd like to
improve the syscalls.master format, so if you're going to need to make
incompatible changes to it anyway, it might be worth looking into
doing additional stuff at the same time.

Otherwise, never mind... it's at best a long-term goal.

David A. Holland

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