On Fri, Oct 07, 2016 at 04:59:30AM +1100, matthew green wrote:
> John Nemeth writes:
> > On Oct 6,  3:01pm, matthew green wrote:
> > }
> > } >      X86 doesn't have alignment restrictions.  The platform
> > } > practically lets you get away with murder, and thus is not useful
> > } > as a test platform.
> > } 
> > } FWIW, this hasn't been true since at least 1999 (SSE.)  also,
> > 
> >      That only counts if somebody is using SSE, and I highly doubt
> > that dhcpcd does.
> GCC will emit SSE code even if you don't explicitly use them.

Like for inlined memset or memcpy...


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