On Wed, May 24, 2017 at 11:09:38AM +0200, Edgar Fuß wrote:
> > it attaches first as a mass storage device
> What's the point of this? Is it used for firmware updates?
> Is there a use case for keeping it in that mode?

It is a (old) windows thing the firmware in that devices does.
It first shows up as a CD (or whatever) and includes its drivers.
After they have been auto-installed, the driver switches the device over.

Unfortunately that mode switch is volatile, on next attach (or power up)
the device will be in umass mode again. But now the right driver is already
installed, and the switch happens quickly (and seamlessly).

A generic daemon is hard, the devices usually need a special manufacturer
dependend command to switch mode after next detach.

The patch looks fine to me (I would remove pooka's comment and the
disabled block it guards, as that is u3g specific). When more devices like
this pop up, we might consider providing a generic facility for it, with
a callback to send the specific mode-switch command.


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