b...@softjar.se (Johnny Billquist) writes:

>> A tickless kernel wouldn't run callouts from the regular clock interrupt
>> but would use a hires timer to issue interrupts at arbitrary times.
>> The callout API could then be changed to either accept timespec values or
>> just fake a much higher HZ value.

>Right. Not that I believe this have to be tied into tickless, but I 
>suspect it might be easier to do it if we go tickless.

Well, "not using a regular clock interrupt" is what "tickless" means.

>We really should be able to deal with shorter times, even if we have 

That's a contradiction. "ticks" means that timed events are based
on a regular clock interrupt. Of course you can speed up the ticks
(e.g. Alpha uses HZ=1000), but that has other disadvantages.

N.B. going tickless isn't difficult, it's just lots of work as it needs
MD support on all platforms.

                                Michael van Elst
Internet: mlel...@serpens.de
                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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