> My NetBSD 7.x systems have the manpage as well.  One might wish to
> look for manpages on a system newer then 1.4T.  :->

5.2, slightly newer than 1.4T :), doesn't have it.

I would argue that it still needs pipe(2) to be converted into pipe(3)
with an xref to pipe2(2).

> The big thing is that I don't see what the difference[s] between
> pipe(2) and pipe2(2) are, other then that pipe2(2) takes an extra
> flags argument, i.e. I don't see how it solves the problem stated in
> the original message.

I'm guessing here, but my guess is that the syscall ABI (ie, the
interface at the kernel/user boundary) takes a pointer-to-two-ints (a
la socketpair) rather than expecting to get the ints via two return
values from the syscall.

That looks like one difference, from the diffs, and it also is pretty
much exactly what the stated problem is.

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