On Jan 13, 2018, at 22:20, Emmanuel Dreyfus <m...@netbsd.org> wrote:
> John Klos <j...@ziaspace.com> wrote:
>> FWIW, Intel updated their microcode on 8-Jan-2018:
>> https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/27431/
>> I can't find any documentation which shows what exactly is fixed for each
>> family of processors.
> It does not seems to fix much. 
> I tried the tests from git repository
> http://github.com/IAIK/meltdown.git 
> This is Linux-centric, but at least, the "secret" case seems to apply on
> NetBSD. It reports vulnerability before (cpu0: microcode version 0x58,
> platform ID 1) and after (cpu0: microcode version 0x80, platform ID 1)
> microcode upgrade.
> And I do not have a spectre test case. Anyone has that?

My understanding is that the microcode update doesn't actually *fix* 
anything by itself. What it does is enable an OS to more easily fix 

The kernel would need to check for the new SPEC_CTRL CPUID bit, 
and if present, twiddle with the new speculation control-related MSRs 
at the appropriate times.
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INet: k...@azeotrope.org |  they raise a paw / the bat, the cat /
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